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First aid

Do you have a problem?

My device has been taken over by a virus that is asking for a ransom!
Beware of help request fraud! How to recognize it and avoid becoming a victim?
How do I gain access to my account again? What can I do to make my account more secure?
Cyberbullying is a crime that needs to be reported!
Someone claims to have sexual images of me
I receive a call from scammers pretending to be technicians from a computer company
What can you do to reduce spam?
Avoid your e-mail address ending up on a list used by spammers or phishers
Identifying phishing websites in time
The Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack
How to deal with stalkerware

How safe are you?

Do our tests

Test your knowledge
Perform an online scan
Test your digital health
Take the investment fraud test