Other information and services of the government: www.belgium.be   Logo van de Belgische federale overheid


Beware of fake emails sent in the name of Doccle

We have received many reports of fake emails seemingly from Doccle, asking you to click on a link to view a document in your Doccle account. 
Please do not do this! Beware. It is an attempted scam. 


Beware of suspicious messages that appear to come from social secretariats

We are currently receiving many reports of suspicious messages that appear to come from social secretariats (e.g. Acerta and Liantis). 

The message asks you to click on a link.  If you click on that link, you will be directed to…


Sextortion scam continues to scare people


Donating money for earthquake victims? Choose a safe way so your contribution doesn't fall into the wrong hands


Beware of messages that appear to come from an ICT service or helpdesk


Beware of fake emails in the name of KBC and bpost


EDUbox on cyber security: digital protection as a good habit

The EDUbox on cyber security initiative is a set of educational tools for teachers that aim to teach young people to identify risks and use digital tools in a correct and responsible way.

We live in an increasingly digital society.…


20 years of Safer Internet Day


Phishing messages come and go, but unfortunately they never go away completely!
