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Beware of phishing messages supposedly sent by 2dehands

In the last two weeks we’ve been getting multiple daily reports about a fake email that appears to be coming from second hand website “2dehands”, but is not. This is a phishing email only intended to obtain your bank details. Forward this e-mail to suspicious@safonweb.be and remove it immediately.

At first sight, this message seems professional, but the following things are suspicious:

1. The domain names used are suspicious

  • The message is sent via klanten.2dehands@update.be.  The domain update.be is not the domain of 2dehands.
  • Behind the button “Naar mijn 2dehands" you will find this link: https://2dehands.healingelementsforyou.com/ . The domain healingelementsforyou.com is also a false domain.

2. The criminals increase the pressure

The criminals are trying to pressure you. A customer-friendly organisation would not do that.

  • "Complete the verification check ontime (sic) in order to continue to use our platform without any problems."
  • "If you do not respond, all adds will be automatically deleted by 31 Jan. '20 .”

3. Language errors

If you look closely, you will find language errors and content that does not make sense.

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