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Watch out for e-mails that appear to be from the police

In recent days, we have again received many reports of fake messages that seem to come from the Federal Police and Europol. You are supposedly being summoned in connection with sexual offences. The message comes across as very serious and…


False e-mails in the name of De Watergroep

Fake e-mails are circulating again that seem to come from De Watergroep. Do not fall into the trap! You can be sure this is fake by checking the email address. @dewatergroep.bar is suspicious. Official mailings from De Watergroep come from an e-…


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject line: Je nieuwe factuur/creditnota FAK218574937


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject line 'Uw PayPal-rekening is tijdelijk beperkt'


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject: "Je account is stopgezet vanwege ongeldig verkeer" (in Dutch)


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject: "Amazon - beveiligingswaarschuwing"


European Cyber Security Month: Follow our many tips during the whole month!


The Fraudster, the Hacker and You


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject: "Uw Itsme account wordt stopgezet vanwege ongeldig verkeer"
