Other information and services of the government: www.belgium.be   Logo van de Belgische federale overheid


Watch out for fake vaccination invitations


Data breach passwords: follow our tips


Many phishing messages have been detected at the moment with the following subject: 'Let op: KBC info bericht!'

Attention! A phishing messages are currently circulating with the following subject: 'Let op: KBC info bericht!', 'De vernieuwde versie van de Itsme-app','controle omtrent uw aangifte', 'Betreft uw account' en 'Uw account vereist aandacht…


Many phishing messages have been detected at the moment with the following subject: 'opgelet: Belangrijk'


Many phishing messages have been detected at the moment with the following subject: 'Let op: U heeft een bericht!'


Many phishing messages have been detected at the moment with the following subject: 'Opgelet'


Friday: anti-phishing day!


Phishing claiming to be FPS Finance on the rise again


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject line 'Attention'.
