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Make back-ups!

Make backups!

A backup is an extra copy of data that is important to you. A backup enables you to restore your data in the event that you are infected with a virus or that ransomware is blocking access to your data and requesting money to unblock it.

Having a backup is also reassuring in the event of theft, loss or technical problems. You can then (re-) install the entire system and restore your data.

Our tips:

  • Regularly back up all files that are important to you. These can include files on your computer or laptop, but also files (e.g. photos) on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Make sure there is sufficient 'distance' between your files and the backup. Disconnect your backup from your computer at the very least.
  • Make multiple backups (e.g. one on an external hard drive and one in the cloud)
  • Test your backup. Can you restore it easily and free of charge?
    Backup on an external hard drive or on an online service?

    With an online service or 'in the cloud'

    Various online services can back up your data for you 'in the cloud'. There are several such online services that back up your data.


    • You can log in anywhere and on any device. In this way, your backup is always available to you.
    • You can regularly cause an automatic copy to be made, so you don’t have to remember to do it yourself.
    • It is free up to a certain storage capacity. The free storage capacity varies between 2 and 10 GB. Additional storage capacity is charged.


    • It can happen that the ransomware has also encrypted your data in the cloud.  More and more cloud providers are aware of this and are looking for solutions.  For example, they store different versions, so that you can always put back an earlier version that has not yet been encrypted.
    • You do not manage your data yourself. Carefully review the terms and conditions for storing your data in the cloud.
    • If you copy large amounts of data use Wifi: keep in mind the cost of data usage via your internet connection. 


    On an external hard drive

    You can make a backup on an external hard drive. Keep it in a safe place and always disconnect the drive from your device or network. If you are infected with a ransomware virus that locks your data, this also prevents your backup from being blocked.


    • You can manage your own data.
    • You can quickly restore it yourself.


    • You have to remember to regularly synchronise with your hard drive and make a backup.
    • Your backup is often in the same physical location as your hard drive, so no extra copies are available in the event of fire or burglary.
    How to back-up?

    Welke Cloud opslagruimte kiezen?

    Er zijn veel betrouwbare aanbieders van cloud opslagruimte op de markt. De keuze hangt af van de soort en hoeveelheid gegevens die je wil bewaren en van je wensen of eisen.

    Wij raden aan om de verschillende aanbieders goed te vergelijken. Het aanbod verandert (en verbetert) voortdurend.  Bekijk in ieder geval of de mogelijkheid bestaat om verschillende versies te bewaren en terug op te vragen. Dat is belangrijk wanneer je slachtoffer bent van een ransomware. 

    Enkele producten*

    How to make a back-up?

    More information for each operating system:

    Test your backup

    Made all preparations to create a backup? Perfect! Then make sure that it works: try to restore a file or folder from your backup to your device. Always check whether your new files have been copied to your backup.

    maak back-ups
    volledige breedte

    Disclaimer: Why these products?

    The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) found a number of existing products currently on the market based on objective criteria.

    However, the CCB does not accept any liability for direct or indirect damage resulting from downloading and using these programs. It is recommended that users download these programmes only from the official website of the developers.

    In addition, the CCB cannot be held liable, vis-à-vis users or third parties, for any direct or indirect damage suffered, caused by any errors in updates, or by collecting or interpreting the information they provide.

    Under no circumstances can the CCB be held liable in the event of temporary interruption or malfunction of the user's system.

    Erste Hilfe!

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    How safe are you?

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    Sicher im Internet

    Safe on internet
